Saturday, March 28, 2009


I just looked at my cell phone's date and time. It's March 28th. 11:28 pm. I can NOT believe how fast this time has gone. It seems like yesterday I was getting here and was so homesick. While I was going through this experience, it seemed to drag at times but it really has flown by. We have had some really good training here, but I am glad this part is almost over. When I get back from my 4 day pass, I will have a few more days here...which really sucks because the food here is SO awful!

Looking forward to tomorrow...I am so excited to see my girls and Jake. I have missed them tremendously. In 12 hours I will be hugging them. It seems like it will never get here!

I really hate to cut this short but I have to get up in 3 hours. I don't know if I will be able to write tomorrow night but I will try. It depends on if I let go of my babies or not! Thank you everybody for your love and support over the last 6 weeks. I am nowhere near being done with this deployment but already I can feel how much support I have and words can not express how much I appreciate everything.

WELL...I guess I will see everyone in SC tomorrow!!! Hugs to all!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


OOPS! I overslept this morning! I was supposed to be at work at 10, and I think I got there at 10:30. OH WELL! My boss made us stay late like we were in detention or something. I couldn't believe it. It was kind of funny though. I guess she forgets about all the extra time I spend after work working on everything I didn't get to during the day. Whatever, what is 30 minutes anyway? It's not like I have some amazing fun event to go to! It's not like I am going home to my girls or going to have any fun.

So my I started my day off late. That set the tone for the rest of the day. It was a long and boring day. I worked on some awards and then decided to go to the DFAC. BIG was disgusting...AGAIN! I seriously can't take this food anymore! It is making me so sick. I had my friend order me some dinner. She had it ready and waiting for me by the time I got to my dinner break. She was really sweet for doing that. She also made sure I had some cokes on's a good thing we are going to be roommates in Iraq!

SO...I'm tired of being atFort Hood. I'm tired of all the mob training. I'm just ready to get over there and get started so that I can get back. I have 3 more days and a wake-up until I get to see my girls! I'm so excited! I sit outside everyday and watch these fancy horse trailers go up and down HWY 36 or whatever HWY it is and it makes me even more homesick! A few more days and I will hopping on Sadie to do some riding. I can't wait.

Well, it's time for bed, I hope everyone is doing well! I love yall and miss yall!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Another day...same old Fort Hood

I got to sleep in was SO nice! I didn't go to breakfast this morning (well I actually never go to breakfast because sleep is SO much more important!) but I was told that someone was looking for me. It turned out to be an LT from the Reserves. Her parents go to church with my parents and they put her in touch with me. She is just getting back here after a year of being at the same location that I am headed to. She sent me an email a few weeks ago but I haven't had the chance to respond. Now, if ever get to find her, I will get to talk to her in person. She has told me some good points and some not good points about where I will be going. I have so much to ask her still. Hopefully I will find her tomorrow.

Today was boring, we are still doing this exercise and it seems like it will never end. I think its because at the end of this week, I get to go home. Whatever it is, the week is DRAGGING! My time here at Fort Hood has gone pretty quick with the exception of this week. I figured this would happen though. Saturday will probably be the longest day of my life! I can't wait to see my girls again. It's on my mind 24/7. I have so much to do in 4 short days. I am planning on doing so much. We are going to go to the zoo, go riding at the barn, see a movie, go on a picnic, AND I am going to take Emma to Tracy's to see that darn pig she has been wanting to see for the last year and I haven't had the time to take her. It's going to be fun. I am going to try not to think about leaving again. I'm sure I'll have a few posts when I get back crying about how sad it was to leave them again. I don't know if I can have another day like I did back in February. It was the saddest day of my life. NO parent should ever have to hear their child crying saying, "Please don't go mommy". I'm sure next Wednesday will be even worse. I've tried to explain to them that I coming home, but I am leaving again. I'm just coming to visit for a few days. I don't think it makes it better though. I thought that it would be hardest on Emma but Kayleigh has taken it the hardest. She cried the most at the airport. I hope I don't scar them for life!

OK, well again, it's after midnight so I need to get in the bed. I get to sleep in again tomorrow and Thursday! How exciting!! Good night everyone!

Monday, March 23, 2009

First post

Hi everyone! This is my first attempt at blogging. We shall see how this goes. I created this blog because I wanted to share my experiences with everybody and I don't always have enough time in my day to sit down and have a real conversation with everyone. So this was a way that I can keep all of my friends and family informed on what is going on in my life. So here goes!

Today I have been here at Fort Hood for 34 days. It feels more like a year! I miss my friends and family SO much! I miss my everyday life back home. BUT... in 5 days and a wake up..I will be in the arms of my 3 girls and my dear sweet hubby. I'm so proud of Jake. He has had a hard time without me. I think he is finally starting to understand that it's not always that you have a clean house, or what the kids ate for dinner but more importantly it's more like, "Did I live today to the fullest"? Or "Did my girls have a fantastic day"? I'm sad that I am going to miss a full year of their life but I am so lucky to have a husband that can provide for them in more ways than a normal dad can. I mean come on, seriously, what dad would take the time learn how to ride a horse! I feel confident in going to Iraq, knowing that my girls are going to be ok. I know that Jake will not let them be without the things that I provide for them. I probably wouldn't have said that a month ago, but now I know. Life can go on. It KILLS me to say that but I know they will be fine.

Well, it's 11:30 here and I am exhausted. I get to sleep in tomorrow but I have a long day ahead of me. We have 3 more days of training and it will all be over! I can't wait until this trip is over!